16 June until 2 August Friese Adel Tour

Friese Adel Tour

Walking with guide Bearn Bilker along noble houses in the city center. The tour is also available on request (and in multiple languages).

Names such as Cammingha, Burmania and Martena have been associated with Leeuwarden for centuries. Many places in the city are still reminiscent of these noble Frisian families. Expert Bearn Bilker has a lot to say about this.

Advance notice is desirable. This is possible via email historischcentrum@leeuwarden.nl or at the reception counter of the HCL. During the weekend reservations can only be made via 058-2332350. Organisation: HCL en Stichting staten en stinzen.

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  • €3.50
  • Payment options: Cash, PIN
