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until 16 June Min-expositie Getijdenboekjes

Min-expositie Getijdenboekjes

The absolute bestsellers of the Late Middle Ages were books of hours. A book of hours helped 'ordinary' men and women in practicing their faith. But these books were not very ordinary: some copies were beautifully decorated! It was an extremely popular genre until well into the sixteenth century.

Tresoar recently received such a book of hours. It is a manuscript for four Frisian ladies of rank who joined the Bethlehem monastery near Bartlehiem in the sixteenth century. What is special about the booklet is that the script is very similar to a manuscript that Tresoar has kept since the nineteenth century. We even know the person who wrote that manuscript: Augustinius Hendrickszoen van Leuwerden, from Wânswert. A manuscript of this Augustinius is still known, which is kept by the KB national library.

A compar…

The absolute bestsellers of the Late Middle Ages were books of hours. A book of hours helped 'ordinary' men and women in practicing their faith. But these books were not very ordinary: some copies were beautifully decorated! It was an extremely popular genre until well into the sixteenth century.

Tresoar recently received such a book of hours. It is a manuscript for four Frisian ladies of rank who joined the Bethlehem monastery near Bartlehiem in the sixteenth century. What is special about the booklet is that the script is very similar to a manuscript that Tresoar has kept since the nineteenth century. We even know the person who wrote that manuscript: Augustinius Hendrickszoen van Leuwerden, from Wânswert. A manuscript of this Augustinius is still known, which is kept by the KB national library.

A comparison of the newly acquired manuscript with the two others makes it clear that the manuscript must be by the same person: Augustinius van Leuwerden. Such an attribution of a sixteenth-century manuscript is quite rare!

Would you like to compare the time books with your own eyes? Then view our new exhibition with booklets of hours, including the newly acquired manuscript. Now available in our study room during business hours!


Boterhoek 1
8911 DH Leeuwarden
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