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until 27 April Leeuwarder Music Square

Leeuwarder Music Square

King's Day is a true national celebration. If that's what you're looking for, you are more than welcome at the Leeuwarden Music Square. For the 15th year, we're transforming the most royal square of Leeuwarden into the coziest Orange Square in Friesland. Due to the anniversary, we're going all out this year with over 20 artists including Ronnie Ruysdael, Belinda Kinnaer, Rutger van Barneveld, Ricky together with Ed Lip & Aart Lus (Europaplein), Metzzo, and of course our resident DJ Maarten.

Celebrate King's Day at the Leeuwarden Music Square with a 100% party guarantee!


8911 BP Leeuwarden
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  • €5.00


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