Bevrijdingsfestival Fryslân 2024 (Liberation Festival)
Monday 5 May
On May 5, downtown Leeuwarden is dedicated to the Liberation Festival. We celebrate freedom with great artists on various stages, special projects on the Square of Freedom and fun activities for the little ones at the Children's Festival.
Like every year, on May 5 - Liberation Day - the Liberation Festivals reflect on the importance of freedom, democracy and the rule of law. We dance, toast and smile, but in addition, May 5 is also a day to realize that freedom is fragile and not to be taken for granted. The fact that thousands of people worldwide are now taking to the streets to speak out against war confirms the power of solidarity and the importance of an open democratic society.
Once again there is plenty of room for emerging talent from the region. Keep an eye on this page for the up-to-date program!