Local specialities


Since you're visiting the beautiful Northern Netherlands, you absolutely must try some local Leeuwarder treats. In Leeuwarden, we know just what tasty means! Next to well-known delicacies such as 'suikerbrood' and 'snert', there are a whole lot more other lovely things on offer. For example, have you ever tried Beerenburg? And how about a real 'Frysk dúmke'?

Boomsma Beerenburger

Nothing is more typical of Leeuwarden than Beerenburg. More than 135 years ago, the first bottle of Boomsma 'Oud Friesche' Beerenburger appeared. This real family business established itself at the Oldehoofsterkerkhof in 1883. The recipe for this Frisian herbal bitter has not changed since then. Taste the full and spicy taste straight-up or in a stiff cocktail.

Butter, beer and green cheese...

…that's what Frisians are made of. The Leeuwarder brewery Grutte Pier has been brewing prize-winning beer since 2015, and you can try out all of their brews at Specialbiercafe De Markies. Indeed, they have seven separate varieties, that are all delicious. The brewery is named for the legendary Grutte Pier, a semi-mystical figure known for being the largest and strongest man on earth at the time. With his enormous sword, at one point he event beheaded 6 'Hollanders' in a fight, in one swing! Don't let that put you off, though.

In Frisian, the phrase ‘Bûter, brea en griene tsiis, wa’t dat net sizze kin is gjin oprochtje Fries’, often used to describe the culinary history of the Province, translates to 'butter, rye bread and green cheese, whoever can't say these isn't a real Frisian'.​


This is something we certainly had to include in this list. Frisians love their 'Oranjekoek'. The pink-iced cakes take their name from the dried and candied orange-peel that is often baked into them. An 'Oranjekoek' is available in every real Frisian baker. Fancy trying some as a sweet side to your coffee? Head on over to Proefverlof, where the delicious cake is always on their menu!

Fryske dúmkes

Hier in the North, we are products of our herbs and spices. Herbal alcohol, herby biscuits, and so on. Cloves, aniseed, sage; cinnamon, fennel, ginger; we eat these warm flavours the whole year round. In a real Fryske Dúmke (a type of biscuit), you'll taste anise, cinnamon, and ginger. Tip: order a cup of coffee at De Walrus, and you get a tasty Dúmke on the side!

Doe my disse mar

In Leeuwarden, we make our own real Italian ice cream. Whenever the first ray of sun comes through the clouded, all local Leeuwarders run to La Venezia. The Italian-owned ice cream salon has been run since 1934. The Talamini family make the most delicious Italian ice cream with a Leeuwarder twist. They also have 'Doe my disse mar' (translated: I'll have this one), a variety of fresh and tasty ice creams in one serving. However, the classic stracciatella is perhaps the salon's best-loved flavour: beautifully cold and creamy, with pieces of pure chocolate throughout.

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